You can easily create or adjust a route quickly with the in-app Routeplanner. To use this, you need the Navigation Next subscription.

ATTENTION! Do you not have this subscription? The in-app browser will then open, so that you can still create/adjust routes on the website.

Table of Contents

Open in-app Routeplanner

You can open the routeplanner from various places in the app.

  • Menu: If you want to create a new route, you can open the routeplanner from the menu. You start with an empty rout planner and can immediately start planning.
  • Route screen: If you want to adjust a route, you can open the routeplanner from the route screen (see App - Routes & Tracks. This is possible with both your own routes and (copies of) routes from friends.
  • RouteXpert route: If you open a nice route from our RouteXperts, you can also adjust it to your wishes. Open the route and click on the pencil at the bottom left to open the routeplanner.
  • Imported routes: You can also quickly adjust routes that you receive from others to your wishes before departure.

Home screen

  1. Search: Enter an address here. A floating waypoint will now appear on the map. Do not forget to place it to definitively add the waypoint to the route. 
  2. Distance and duration: Here you can see the distance and duration of the route. If you are starting a new route and have not added any waypoints yet, you will not see anything here.
  3. Undo/redo: Click here to undo your changes. If you have not made any changes yet, you will not see anything here.
  4. Show route: Click here to show the entire route on the screen.
  5. Current location: Click here to show your current location on the map.
  6. Waypoints: Click here to see the list of waypoints.
  7. Yellow button: If you click here, you can add a new waypoint.
  8. Menu: Click here to open the menu.


The menu looks slightly different when you have not made any changes yet or placed waypoints and when you have done so.

Without changes

  1. Close MRA Routeplanner: Click here to close the routeplanner again.
  2. Route information: Adjust the privacy and travel mode of the route here. Give the route a (different) name and possibly a description.
  3. Route options: Select the route optimization of the route here and which roads are allowed when planning the route.
  4. Reverse route: Reverse the route in one go. This option is only visible for existing routes. ATTENTION! Always check the route after reversing whether the waypoints are placed correctly. Are they on the correct side of the road and after intersections, exits, roundabouts, etc.
  5. Copy Route: Make a copy of the route, so you always keep the original route. This option is only visible for existing routes.
  6. Lock route: If you only want to check the route and not accidentally click on buttons, lock the route. Click here again to unlock the route again.
  7. Navigate: Start navigation directly from the routeplanner when you have opened an existing route.
  8. Delete route: If you are working in an existing route of your own, you can also delete the route from the menu. If you do this, it will end up in the digital bin and will be permanently deleted after 30 days.
  9. Use offline maps: If you do not want to use the internet when creating/adjusting routes, turn on the offline mode. Click here again to go back online.
  10. Manage offline maps: In order to work offline, you must have downloaded the correct regions, just like it works with our navigation. Click here to go directly to the offline maps and adjust something if necessary. 
  11. Map style: Choose which map style you want to use when planning/adjusting the route.

With changes

  1. Exit: This closes the routeplanner. If you have made changes and have not yet saved them, you will first get a pop-up asking whether you want to save or not. If you do not want to close the routeplanner, click somewhere on the screen outside the pop-up and you can continue.
  2. Save: Save your changes here.
  3. Discard: Not satisfied with the created/changed route? Click here and all your changes will be deleted, regardless of whether they have been saved or not. If you were editing an existing route, the original route will be loaded.
  4. Route information: Adjust the privacy and travel mode of the route here. Give the route a (different) name and possibly a description.
  5. Route options: Choose the route optimization of the route here and which roads are allowed when planning the route.
  6. Reverse route: Reverse the route in one go. ATTENTION! Always check the route after reversing to see if the waypoints have been placed correctly. Are they on the correct side of the road and after intersections, exits, roundabouts, etc.
  7. Copy Route: Make a copy of the route, so you always keep the original route. This option is only visible for existing routes.
  8. Lock route: If you only want to check the route and not accidentally click on buttons, lock the route. Click here again to unlock the route.
  9. Navigate: Finished creating/adjusting, start navigation directly from the routeplanner.
  10. Delete route: If you are working in an existing route of your own, you can also delete the route from the menu. If you do this, it will end up in the digital bin and will be permanently deleted after 30 days.
  11. Use offline maps: If you do not want to use the internet when creating routes, turn on offline mode. Click here again to go back online.
  12. Manage offline maps: To be able to plan offline, you must have downloaded the correct regions, just like it works with our navigation. Click here to go directly to the offline maps and adjust something if necessary.
  13. Map style: Choose which map style you want to use when planning/adjusting the route.

Add a waypoint

You can add a waypoint to the route in different ways:

  • Press on the map: This option is useful when you know exactly where you want to place a waypoint on the map. Hold down this spot and you will see a floating waypoint appear. Click on the yellow button or Add to place the point permanently. Click on cancel to remove the floating waypoint.
  • Find address: Choose this option if you want to place the waypoint at a specific address. Also with this option, don't forget to click on the yellow button or Add to place the point permanently. Click on cancel to remove the floating waypoint.
  • Yellow button: If you click on the yellow button, a floating waypoint will appear, just like with the other options. Click on the yellow button or Add to place the point permanently. Click on cancel to remove the floating waypoint.

Add and move waypoint

Sometimes you want to add or move a waypoint in an existing route. This is of course also possible in the in-app Routeplanner.

  • Short press on the route line: If you short press on the line, you can add a waypoint between existing waypoints and it will be placed exactly on the route line. Don't forget to add the floating intermediate point permanently by clicking on Add or the yellow button.
  • Long press on the route line: If you press on the line longer, the intermediate waypoint will be placed directly and exactly on the route line. However, if you move this intermediate waypoint, you can move it directly to a new location.
  • List of waypoints: You can also quickly move an existing waypoint from the list of waypoints. Drag the waypoint to be moved to the correct location by pressing the dots on the left and keep it pressed while you drag.

Waypoint menu

Click on a waypoint to be able to give it extra information. This can be done from the waypoint on the map or from the list of waypoints. All these options are optional.

  1. Waypoint: See here, just like on the map, which route point you have selected.
  2. Move: Click here to move a route point. Don't forget to click on move to make the adjustment permanent. You can also move a waypoint from the waypoint list or by holding down the waypoint on the map and dragging it.
  3. Type: Adjust the type of the waypoint here. You can choose between a shaping point (the droplet) and a via point (the hand). ATTENTION! You cannot adjust the type for a start or end point.
  4. Icon: Add an icon to the waypoint to see at a glance what
  5. Delete: Click here to delete the selected waypoint.
  6. Color: Give the waypoint a different color here.
  7. Name: Give your waypoint a name. This name will be read out when you have 'waypoint notifications' enabled (navigation settings - audio).
  8. Pause: Add a pause to this waypoint. ATTENTION! The navigation does nothing with this pause. It is only for planning your route.
  9. Note: Give your waypoint a note. This note will be read out when you have 'waypoint notifications' enabled (navigation settings - audio).

Click here and open a previous manual of the app

1. App - Startup

2. App - Basics

3. App - Routes & Tracks

4. App - Tracking

5. App - Navigation