With MyRoute-app you can create beautiful routes in the Routeplanner to navigate with your own TomTom. Exporting these routes can be done in different ways. In this manual you can read how to export via plan.tomtom (formerly TomTom MyDrive).

ATTENTION! Always create your routes using the TomTom planning map. This is a Gold functionality.

Table of contents


To use this export method, an account on plan.tomtom is required. If you do not have one yet, first create an account on their website before you can continue.

You must then also be logged in to your TomTom with this account. Go to the settings in the menu and click on 'TomTom account'. Here you can also check at all times whether you are logged in.

Via the website

Via the Routeplanner you can directly export all your routes via plan.tomtom. Read the steps you need to follow for this here.

  1. Open the route you want to export in the Routeplanner;
  2. Click on the 'Save as' button to open a drop-down menu;
  3. Select 'plan.tomtom', at the very bottom of the list;
  4. Log in with your plan.tomtom account;
  5. Choose the file type you want to export it in, we recommend .GPX for routes. To export POIs (.OV2), see TomTom - POIs;
  6. Finally, click on 'Send' to definitively export the route via plan.tomtom.

Via the app

Unfortunately, it is not possible to export the route directly via the app with plan.tomtom. However, you can still export your routes via the app via this detour.

  1. Open the MyRoute-app and go to 'Routelab';
  2. The website will now open in an in-app browser; 
  3. Open the route you want to export;
  4. Under 'Page menu' you can now find the 'Save as' button;
  5. Then follow the same steps as above in the explanation via the website.


Open the menu on the TomTom and go to your routes. Here you can now find the imported route. Although we call it a route, it has actually changed to a track. This can also be recognized by the dotted arrow that can be seen in front of the route name. See TomTom - Exporting with the Connector for more information about the difference between routes and tracks at TomTom.