It seems that Garmin and BMW Navigator sometimes have trouble calculating a GPX route containing only the so-called 'soft' waypoints.
This problem does not only occur when you use the MyRoute-app connector, but can also occur when you copy a random GPX file from the internet directly to your Garmin or BMW Navigator. In this manual you can read how to solve this.
- Create the route in the HERE map of the MRA Routeplanner and make sure the waypoints are well placed on the road.
- Do not place the start and end points too close to each other;
- Make sure that waypoints are after intersections, exits and exits;
- Make sure the waypoints are in the middle and on the right side of the road.
If the Garmin device can navigate via a track, then that is always preferable (see also MyRoute-app & Garmin for an explanation of exporting to Garmin).
- Export a GPX (track, POI) file as described in the manual MyRoute-app & Garmin.
- Make sure that recalculation is turned off in the settings of your Garmin device ('Settings' > 'Navigation')
- Then go to 'apps', choose 'tracks' and select the desired 'track'. Click on the icon of the spanner.
- In these settings, tick the option 'show on map'. Then click on 'convert to journey'.
- Choose 'start to end' and change the name of the route if necessary. Finally, click on 'OK' at the bottom right.
Garmin will now calculate the route and save it in the 'Trip planner'. - Go to 'Apps' and then to 'Itinerary planner'. Select the (track) route, press 'go' and finally 'start'.
Make sure that 'recalculate' is switched off. As soon as you see the message 'ready for navigation', click 'start'.
If this does not work for you, try the following:
- Open the desired route for export in the MRA Routeplanner and click on 'export' in the top right corner.
- In the connector, choose Garmin New or BMW Motorbike in case of a BMV Navigator (these are both GPX 1.1 files) or (in case of older models) the GPX 1.0 option.
- Only open the route in the 'journey planner' on your Garmin navigation device if there is a GPX signal.
- Check in the settings that the navigation mode is not set to 'Offroad'.
- Still straight lines? Then go to settings and change the route preference, for example, 'Avoid highways'. The Garmin or BMW Navigator will now calculate the route. You can then return to your preferred route. For a route you have made yourself, we recommend: 'Fastest route'.