With MyRoute-app it is possible to create the most beautiful routes yourself in our Route editor. In this manual, you can read how to create a route and what is possible. Furthermore, this manual also refers to useful other manuals, so that you can easily find in-depth information to create the best and most beautiful routes!

Table of Contents

Create a new route 

If you go to the website and log in with your MRA details, you will arrive at the home page called Route lab. Here you will see a number of buttons that quickly take you to frequently used pages. This includes your list of routes and tracklogs, but also the RouteXpert Library. Click on 'New route' to immediately create a new route.

It is also possible to create a route from the route list. To do this, click on the '+ New' button at the top right and then 'Route'. You then go through the same steps as when the route is created from the Route lab.

Pop-up screen

When you create a new route, you will see this pop-up screen. Everything you enter here can be adjusted later.

  1. Route name: Give your route a name that is easy to find.
  2. Privacy mode: Indicate here who can see your route. You can choose between Private, friends or public (everyone).
  3. Transport mode: Indicate here in which mode you want to create the route. You can choose the following modes: car, bicycle, foot, motorcycle, or camera.
  4. Departure date and time: If you already have a date and time for the route, please enter it here.
  5. OK/Cancel: Click OK to save these settings and go to the editor. If you click cancel you will return to your previous screen (route lab or route list).

Route editor

The blue menu bar above the map

  1. Export: Click here to export your route with the MyRoute-app connector.
  2. Save as: Save your route in a specific format.
  3. Toolkit: In the Toolkit you will find additional options to customize your route even more and to make editing even easier. ATTENTION! Most options require our Gold subscription.
  4. Maps: Here you can change the map. You can choose between OpenStreetMap, TomTom (Gold), and HERE (Gold).
  5. Share: Click here to share your route via various social media.
  6. Map layers: Here you can place another map layer on top of the active map. ATTENTION! This will show you the appearance of this new map, but the underlying active map remains leading. 

ATTENTION!, With certain screen sizes the menu bar will no longer be shown in its entirety. For this reason, it has been decided to show the mobile-friendly version from certain resolutions. This also applies if your computer is zoomed in further than regular.

If you are on a tablet, this is the correct view. The problem was most commonly found on tablets and it is therefore the best solution for these resolutions.

On the left, you can find the sidebar. Click on the circled button to open the menu of this sidebar. If you would rather not see the sidebar to create more space for the map, click on the arrow.

  1. Waypoints: See the list of all your waypoints here.
  2. Route-information: See all information about your route here and adjust data if necessary, such as name, transport mode, and privacy.
  3. Animate: Click here to make a fun animation of your route. For more information about Animate, see Manual 'MRA Animate for routes'.
  4. Commentary: Here you can say something about your route so that other users who see this route can read it.
  5. Favorites: See the list of your saved favorites here.
  6. Routes: Click here to add a route to your current route. This can serve as a final addition or as an example. See Manual 'Display and merge multiple routes' for more information about this functionality.
  7. Tracklogs: The same goes for your tracklogs. See Manual 'Compare tracklog with route' for more information about this functionality.
  8. Points of Interest: Click here to add a POI to your route. See Manual 'POIs' for more information about POIs.
  9. Routes nearby: Get inspiration by looking at routes that are near your route. See Manual 'Routes in the Neighborhood' for more information about Routes in the Neighborhood.
  10. Need help?: Quickly find a manual here by searching with keywords.

On the map 

In addition to the sidebar, you will see several buttons on the map.

  1. Search bar: Search here for locations to add to your route.
  2. Route duration and distance: See the total duration and distance of your route here (excluding traffic information).
  3. Zoom buttons: You can zoom in and out with your mouse, but also using these buttons.
  4. Add by coordinates: Click here to add a waypoint by coordinates.
  5. Lock: If you want to view the route without accidentally making adjustments, lock your route. Click here again to unlock the route again.
  6. 3D: Click here to view your route in a 3D map.
  7. Streetview: Click here to activate Streetview mode. Every blue road can now be seen in the Streetview. Click again to turn the mode off.
  8. Elevation profile: Click here to view the elevation profile of your route.
  9. Current Location: Click here and you will be zoomed in on your current location.

ATTENTION! On the map at the bottom right you can also find two buttons. These are the Redo (top) and Undo (bottom) buttons. You can use the Redo button to reinsert a removed waypoint. With the Undo button, you can easily remove a placed waypoint.

This also works with the standard key combinations on your keyboard.

Create route

Add route point

You can add a waypoint in several ways:

  • Enter an address in the search bar
  • Click on the map
  • Add by coordinates

Adjust route course

You can slide your waypoints to adjust the order. You can easily do this by clicking with your mouse on the waypoint to be moved and holding it down. You will now see that the waypoint is released and can be moved.

Drag route

When you place waypoints, our program creates a route between these points. However, sometimes you want the route to run along a specific road or you want to add another point between existing points. In this case, you can also add a waypoint to the existing line and move the existing route line.

As you can see in the example above (click on the image to enlarge it), the route runs from point 1 to 2. However, I want to add a waypoint in between. I hover my mouse over the route line and when I see the plus sign appear, I add the waypoint by clicking once with my mouse. Then I want the route to run differently, so move waypoint 2 one street up.

ATTENTION! This action can also be done in one go. Instead of just clicking once with your mouse and adding the waypoint first, you now hold down the mouse and drag the route immediately and the new waypoint is then placed.


You have now learned the basics of creating a route in the Route Editor.

  • Don't be afraid to try things. Create a new route and try out for yourself what is possible!
  • We always recommend checking your route once it has been completed. Sometimes waypoints can be placed just wrong, which can cause problems while navigating. In any case, take the following situations into account:
    • Do not place waypoints on a roundabout or intersection, but just after it;
    • Do not place waypoints near an exit or driveway;
    • Place waypoints on the right side of the road.
  • See also a video instruction from our switching service below