With MyRoute-app you can create beautiful routes in the Routeplanner to navigate with your own Garmin. Exporting these routes can be done in various ways that are explained in this manual.

ATTENTION! Always create your routes in the HERE map to avoid differences between the created and displayed route.

Table of contents

Export via a computer

With connector

When working with a Windows computer, you can easily use the connector to export routes to your Garmin. See Manual 'Export with the connector' - Windows & MacOS for the full explanation.

For Mac users, read further below.

Without connector

When working with a Mac, the connector is unfortunately no longer an option. Therefore, follow the steps below to still be able to export your route to a Garmin.

  1. Install Android File Transfer on your computer;
  2. Always make sure that you only have 1 program open while you are working, either Garmin Express, BaseCamp or Android File Transfer;
  3. Download the route from MRA as a .GPX 1.1 file, this is now in your downloads;
  4. Now move the .GPX file via Android File Transfer to the GPX folder on the XT(2).

Export via the app

  1. Download the Garmin Drive app (XT) or the Garmin Tread (XT2);
  2. Download the MyRoute-app via the App/Playstore and log in with your MRA account;
  3. Open your routes in the MyRoute-app and open the desired route to download (see App - Routes & Tracks);
  4. Select the correct file type and click on 'Download';
  5. Now click on 'Export' to export the route file to Garmin Drive/Tread.

After exporting the route to the XT(2), restart the device. After restarting, you will immediately receive a message that a new route can be imported. Accept this and the route will be correctly imported on your XT(2).

POIs from MRA on your Garmin

When creating routes in MRA, you can also show and add POIs. When you export a route to your Garmin, the POIs are included. During navigation, the POIs will be recognized and shown by the Garmin.

ATTENTION! In order to export the POIs, they must be added as a POI to the route. See Manual POI's for more information about this.

Frequently asked questions/problems

Below you will find a number of frequently asked questions/problems that we receive at the support. First check and try what is mentioned here. If it remains unclear or the problem persists, please contact support!

Cannot export route to Garmin

You have tried all the different options, but you are still unable to export a route to your Garmin. First check the following:

  • Check whether you can export other routes;
  • Check whether the route does not contain more than 28 viapoints;
  • Shorten the route name if it is too long;
  • When using an SD card, make sure it is formatted FAT32.

ATTENTION! If you have the OnRoute motor map on the SD card, first remove the SD card before exporting the route via the connector, Files on the SD card belonging to the OnRoute Motor map block the use of the connector.

Waypoints are not shown on my Garmin

There are many options available when downloading routes. For Garmin you should know the following:

  • .GPX 1.1: navigation works based on waypoints, all waypoints (shaping + via) are used and shown.
  • .GPX 1.2: navigation works based on the track, only viapoints are used and shown. Viapoints must therefore be included in the route, outside the start and end points.

ATTENTION! When using the Tread App, only use .GPX 1.1 to transfer the route to your XT2

Export the route as .GPX 1.1. Does this problem persist? Then there is probably something wrong with the Garmin. A reset to factory settings can be a solution. After the reset, everything will work as it should again.

TIP! Give your Zumo a major service at the end of the season to be fully up to date again. 

Garmin ignores my placed waypoints

First of all, make sure that the settings in the MRA Routeplanner (Toolkit) match the settings of your Garmin!

In principle, waypoints are leading when navigating. However, certain settings can cause the Garmin to make adjustments independently. For example, you have placed a waypoint on a highway, but set the Garmin to avoid highways. Therefore, always check the settings on the Garmin itself first when you encounter these types of problems.

The same applies here as with the problem above. Check which format you have used for the export and do you also experience this problem with .GPX 1.1? Does this problem persist? Please contact support.